NDISP SDA Property

Please read this before completing the Application for Specialist Disability Accommodation form 

About this application form 

This form is to be used by National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants wishing to apply for a vacancy in NDISP (SDA).  

Who can apply for SDA vacancy? 

 A person who is a NDIS participant and has eligibility for SDA confirmed in their approved NDIS plan.

 A person who is waiting for their eligibility for SDA to be confirmed by the NDIA (either waiting on a plan review or outcome of assessment for SDA eligibility).

Important information for applicants / support network / support coordinators 

 The application should be accompanied by documentation that supports statements about the applicant’s support needs, for example housing assessment report or SDA approval. 

 Completed applications, including SDA application form, signed consent page and any supporting documentation, are to be submitted as part of this application

 Applications should be submitted electronically wherever possible. 

 Insufficient or inaccurate information may impact on the offer of residency, including withdrawal of offers made on the basis of inaccurate information provided in the application form. 

 Applicants will be advised if they are the preferred applicant for the vacancy, however an offer of residency will not be made until the applicant’s eligibility for SDA is confirmed by the NDIA. It is the responsibility of the applicant to have their eligibility for SDA confirmed. 

 This application is for SDA only, not for SIL (Supported Independent Living)

 This application may be shared with relevant care providers to discuss tenant matching

 All applicants understand that this application will form the initial basis of decisions about whether the applicant is suitable for an NDISP house

 The application is subject to the required level of SDA being approved on the applicants plan

 A provisional offer can be made prior to SDA being secured

Specialist Disability Accommodation Application Form

Section 1: Applicant information

Personal Details

If Yes, please specify

If No, you will need to request a plan review or seek your SDA eligibility urgently

Support Co-ordinator’s details if applicable

Section 2: Primary contact person/Guardian (This should be someone other than the participant )

Section 3: Next of Kin, Emergency Contact

If no, please fill out your next of kin details below

Section 4: Plan Management

Section 5: Decision maker - EPOA Guardian and / or financial administrator 

Section 6: Understanding about you 

Section 7: Understanding your support needs

How do you prefer to communicate

Do you require support due to any of the following behaviours? 

By submitting this application you are agreeing to the following terms, 

You or your authorised representative* must provide consent for the Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) application and information provided in the application (and requested assessments and reports) to be used in the following ways:

· To create a file (electronic and/or paper)

· To be seen by external agencies for a SDA vacancy 

· For statistical reporting (information is de-identified)
* Your representative could be a primary carer, family member, advocate or an appointed guardian. A paid worker such as a case manager or support worker cannot be your representative.

I have been informed and consent to the use of information in the application for any Specialist Disability Accommodation dwelling vacancy that I am applying for. I understand that this information may be provided to external agencies for this purpose. I also understand that this consent allows for information in this application to be used for statistical reporting.

By submitting this form I declare that I have provided all information relevant to my application for SDA and the information given on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

 If submitting by a person other than the Participant. By submitting this form I declare that I have discussed the purpose and disclosure of this information with the applicant or their representative and I am satisfied that they understand how the information will be used, and that they have provided informed consent to the submission of this application for support.